Sports Friends May CAMPaign

Monday, 9 May 2016 Sports Friends May CAMPaign

SIM's international Sports Friends ministry trains and equips churches in Africa, Asia and South America to make disciples of youth, their families, and their communities through the powerful platform of sports.

Sports Friends mobilises coaches to provide sport coaching and mentoring for young people in all aspects of life, building relationships, sharing the Gospel and connecting families with the local church.

Through Sports Friends ministry: new churches are planted, youth and their families come to faith in Christ; young Christians are discipled; sustainable ministries are managed by local churches; sports ministry leadership capacity is developed among the national churches.

Sports Friends Master Project, International  Project code: 99803

May CAMPaign

As our camping ministry expands, we feel God has asked us to trust Him with an ambitious new vision for 2016. During the month of May, we’re praying that God would enable us to raise the funds to cover 3,100 camper scholarships at $65 each – the equivalent of 100 scholarships each day!

We can’t do this alone. Will you please prayerfully consider partnering with us financially to reach this exciting new goal? Just think - $65 would send a youth to camp for a week, $600 (US dollars) would send a whole cabin of youth, or $4,000 (US dollars) would sponsor an entire camp. What a great kingdom investment!


This project is not tax-deductible.

Sponsorship Update:

572 campers have been sponsored as at 9 May! 2528 campers are waiting for sponsorships. Will you join us?

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