Partnering with the Peruvian Church

Thursday, 23 May 2019 Partnering with the Peruvian Church The culture of South America is deeply rooted in the continent’s indigenous tribes and pre-Columbian civilisations. South America’s rich history and traditions are still expressed in the food, architecture and lifestyle of its people. When the founders of the Bolivian Indian Mission, George and Mary Allen, first entered Bolivia, the opposition was harsh as the devotion to the religious system was intense. Today in South America, although many people may have some knowledge about Jesus, they do not have a personal relationship with Him. It is common for animistic beliefs, superstition and shamans to be incorporated into the practices of the traditional church. SIM missionary workers in South America are dedicated to partnering with Latin American churches to see pastors equipped with a sound theological understanding of God’s Word, believers discipled and churches planted so that more people come to know Jesus personally. By developing relationships with local churches, SIM workers can make effective contributions as they tackle the needs that believers are identifying in their own communities.

Aussie missionaries, Morgan and Anna Powell, are outworking SIM’s vision by partnering with the Peruvian church. Morgan serves as the SIM Peru Field Director and Anna is the Personnel Coordinator. SIM Peru is passionate about equipping the Peruvian church so that believers are pastored, trained and mobilised.

Morgan explained, “Our mission statement says that the purpose of SIM Peru is to glorify God by partnering with the Peruvian church to fulfil Christ’s commission. Our ministries around Peru are there to support the local church. We really want to know from the local pastors and the local churches: What are the needs? And how can we help?”

One key focus for SIM Peru is to see pastors and believers grow in their understanding of Scripture. “The local church can be vulnerable if they’re not well grounded in the Word of God,” Morgan said. SIM Peru is investing in resources for the local church through the Seminary in Lima, a Bible Institute in Arequipa, a library, a preaching group and other small groups.

One Peruvian pastor that Morgan and other SIM missionaries were able to encourage and walk alongside was Milo. Milo was part of a group of four young men who started training in the local Bible School in Arequipa. After finishing their training, they did further study at the Seminary in Lima. When they returned home, Milo and his friends started faithfully serving in their churches as pastors and then became teachers at the Bible School in Arequipa. SIM Peru not only supported the group through their studies with scholarships, but missionaries mentored them along the way. Morgan would meet up with Milo weekly.

Morgan said, “He’s really grown and, he has a great love for the Word. He’s a faithful servant. All four have become a core group that we actually now call a faculty at the Bible School.” Milo is one example of how theological education and discipleship is equipping the Peruvian church.
Please pray for the raising up of godly leaders in Peru, and for SIM’s ministry of theological education in the country. Please also give thanks for the Powells and the SIM Peru team. 

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