There are many communities that are yet to receive God’s Word, many individuals that have not been transformed by His saving grace. How can SIM Australia address the lack of Christian witness present among these least reached people?

In West Africa, there is a least reached Pastoralist people group who are traditionally nomadic herders and one of the largest ethnic groups in the region. Adam* is part of this group and had never heard the Gospel. One night, Adam had a dream where he was instructed to travel many kilometres to visit an older man who would deliver him an important message.


In Adam’s obedience and God’s providence, he arrived at the camp as directed and was met by a local believer who shared the Gospel with him. Praise God that Adam listened and received the Good News and was encouraged to attend SIM’s FMTC Training Centre where he could learn what it means to follow Jesus.

Will you help us mobilise skills-based workers to disciple the least reached? Your contribution of $50, $85 or $170 ^ to SIM’s Mission Global Fund will help us continue this mission work of transforming lives with Christ’s love and compassion.

Adam attended the FMTC Training Centre and after two years he returned home, leading eight family members to Christ.

Today, Adam leads Sunday worship meetings in the shade of a tree with 100 local believers. He is teaching them God’s Word and showing Jesus’ love and compassion to his people group where there is a growing openness to the Gospel.

SIM’s Mission Global Fund enables SIM Australia to disciple future workers to partner with us to go and make disciples in least reached communities. Our cross-cultural workers bring real transformation to many lives, like Adam’s, through God’s Word.

Thank you for partnering with SIM, as we work together to enable many workers to enter countries that would not be possible otherwise, to build relationships and transform lives through God’s saving Word.

^ Gifts to SIM's Mission Global Fund are Non-Tax Deductible.

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If you would like more information about SIM missionaries or projects, please email our Partner Relations team or call 1300 746 580/(02) 9580 1422.