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Transforming Lives with Hope in Chiang Mai

Thursday, 18 July 2024

Transforming Lives with Hope in Chiang Mai

With a desire for people to experience the love and hope of Jesus, Hope for Life Thailand seeks to see transformation in individuals and communities. They pursue this by building relationships, providing holistic care to the vulnerable and creating spaces for learning, including coming alongside the local church. Read more... 

Compassion in Action at Galmi Hospital

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Compassion in Action at Galmi Hospital

Located in Niger, one of the world’s poorest countries, the difficult reality is that many patients at Galmi cannot afford healthcare. Galmi is the only hospital in the country that provides emergency, life-saving care without requiring payment upfront. SIMaid’s Galmi Benevolent Fund aims to tangibly demonstrate God’s compassionate heart by either reducing or covering the medical fees for patients who are unable to afford them. Read more...

Using your Skills and Gifts to Share the Gospel

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Using your Skills and Gifts to Share the Gospel

Any vocational skill or gifting can be valuable in cross-cultural work and ministry settings. God has intentionally designed each of us with a unique personality and specific gifts. These abilities not only allow us to build meaningful relationships within new communities but also complement the efforts of other SIM workers on our teams. Read more...

Training the Next Generation in Nigeria

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Training the Next Generation in Nigeria

Caring for those who are suffering provides the unique opportunity to share the love and compassion of Jesus. Responding to physical need through health-related ministry is a core component of SIM’s role in global mission. Read more...

Threads of Hope: Samiha’s Journey

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

 Threads of Hope: Samiha’s Journey

SIMaid’s Children’s Uplift Program (CUP) is a hub of hope for women and their children on the streets of Dhaka. CUP takes a holistic approach to working with children in high-risk situations and recognises that to help them, they must also walk alongside their mothers. Read more...

Showing Jesus’ love to refugees in Australia

Thursday, 28 March 2024

Showing Jesus’ love to refugees in Australia

Across is a ministry of SIM committed to sharing the Gospel among least reached communities locally in Australia. One of Across’ dedicated mission workers is Angela. As the co-founder and coordinator of Freedom To Flourish, Angela focuses on sharing Jesus’ love with refugees and asylum seekers in Sydney, addressing the mental health needs of those who have experienced trauma. Read more...

Making Jesus known through social media in West Africa

Thursday, 14 March 2024

Making Jesus known through social media in West Africa

In 2020, 51%* of the world’s population had access to the internet. In global missions, social media is increasingly being utilised to reach least reached communities by sharing the Gospel in their local language and through contextualised content. Read more...

Mobilising Diverse Skills to Support the Church in Japan

Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Mobilising Diverse Skills to Support the Church in Japan

Japan uniquely blends an ancient civilisation’s rich traditions, with an incredibly modern and technologically advanced culture. With a population of 125 million, less than one percent are committed Christians, making Japan the largest homogenous community without Christ worldwide. The church in Japan is small yet vibrant and the need for disciple makers willing to use their unique skills in ministry is essential. Read more...

Partnering with the Church in the Middle East

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Partnering with the Church in the Middle East

Andrew and Rebecca embarked on a new season of ministry. Along with their three boys, they have been establishing life in a new location in the Middle East. They have already witnessed God’s faithfulness at work, and they have been praying that God would open doors into communities with little Gospel presence. God has begun to answer those prayers. Read more...

Journeying with Christians in Victoria and Tasmania

Friday, 15 December 2023

Journeying with Christians in Victoria and Tasmania

The Home Ministry Team at SIM plays a crucial role in contributing to SIM’s vision of making disciples of Jesus in communities where He is least known. Our Regional Ministry Directors (RMDs) are instrumental in mobilising people for Christ’s global mission and serve as SIM’s voice in partnering with churches and individuals in their region. Read more...

Christmas in Liberia

Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Christmas in Liberia

Lauren, who serves with SIM in Liberia with her family, reflects on their experience celebrating Christmas in their community. Read more...

Encouraging the Church in the Middle East

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Encouraging the Church in the Middle East

SIM’s vision for the Middle East is to see a witness to Christ’s love where He is least known, disciples of Jesus expressing God’s love in their communities and Christcentred churches fulfilling God’s mission. Read more... 

Petros story - The Greatest Gift revealed in Australia!

Thursday, 9 November 2023

Petros story - The Greatest Gift revealed in Australia!

As Australia becomes more culturally diverse, SIM Australia continues to work alongside local churches to raise up Gospel workers for mission in our own backyard through Across Ministries. Read more...

Empowering Vulnerable People to Find Freedom

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Empowering Vulnerable People to Find Freedom

SIMaid’s Equipping for Trafficking Prevention (ETP) project enables SIM workers globally to establish trafficking prevention programs in their existing ministries. The focus of this project is to provide funds for these ministries to develop layers of protection around vulnerable people and communities. Read more...

Equipping the Church in South America

Friday, 20 October 2023

Equipping the Church in South America

For many church leaders and aspiring pastors in Peru, getting access to ministry training and mentoring outside of the urban centres is not easy. In the Peruvian Andes, the rough terrain, limited access to transport and commitment to farms makes it difficult to leave. Aware of this need, Mike and Kerry are serving in Peru to help train church pastors and leaders in the Andes of southern Peru. Read more...

Working Together to Prevent Human Trafficking

Friday, 13 October 2023

Working Together to Prevent Human Trafficking

Today, tens of millions of people are trapped in human trafficking and exploitation in every country of the world. In response, SIM established For Freedom, our anti-trafficking and exploitation ministry, in 2017. Read more...

Impacting the Next Generation

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Impacting the Next Generation

Since 1893, SIM has been sending mission workers to reach least reached communities with the Gospel. Families going overseas to serve need a whole support system as they go. Responding to this need, SIM founded and partnered with schools around the world to provide excellent, Christ-centred education for our missionary children. Read more...

Responding to "Sound of Freedom"

Monday, 28 August 2023

Responding to "Sound of Freedom"

For Freedom's co-lead, Sarah Scott-Webb, shares practical steps viewers can take after watching the "Sound of Freedom". Read more....

Reaching the Least Reached in Chad

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Reaching the Least Reached in Chad

In a remote town in Chad, there is a team of SIM workers partnering with the few local believers in the area to make Christ’s love known. Read more...

A Journey to Healing

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

A Journey to Healing

Since 1950, SIM’s Galmi Hospital has been providing compassionate care to patients from all walks of life. The 180-bed hospital and outpatient clinics, located in a farming area in West Africa and on the edge of the Sahara Desert, serve up to 300 men, women and children daily. Read more...

Reaching A Nomadic Community

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Reaching A Nomadic Community

As a young couple, Phil and Carol heard about a least reached people group in West Africa that had been forgotten by Christian mission. Since responding in obedience 49 years ago, they have been working and living among these people to make Christ known. Read more...

The Transformation of a Widow

Tuesday, 11 July 2023

The Transformation of a Widow

In Benin, new patients are still being diagnosed with HIV. SIMaid’s Hope for Life Benin project provides holistic care to people living with HIV and their families to improve their health and living conditions. Rachel is one widow who received life-changing support from the team. Read more... 

A Team of Faithful Witnesses in Asia

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

A Team of Faithful Witnesses in Asia

Asia is home to 60.8% of the world’s population (4.8 billion people). Around the continent of Asia, there are 2.8 billion people who are unreached with the Gospel. Read how SIM's Faithful Witness team in Thailand is sharing the love of Jesus. Read more...

Serving in Student Ministries in Asia

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Serving in Student Ministries in Asia

In many countries in Asia, education is highly valued and one of the key ways seen to improve social status. Two of our mission workers share their experience serving in student ministries in Asia. Read more...

Opening Doors through Business Ministries

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Opening Doors through Business Ministries

More than just a platform to serve in creative access countries, the vision of SIM’s Business Ministries is to see flourishing workers in sustainable business environments that are transforming communities where Christ is least known. Read more...

Bringing Restoration to Villages in Bangladesh

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Bringing Restoration to Villages in Bangladesh

SIMaid’s Arsenic Alleviation & Awareness Program (AAAP) works to reduce suffering among impoverished communities in Bangladesh that are impacted by arsenic contamination. For over 20 years, the project has been bringing holistic transformation to communities so that people can drink water fit for life. Min is one woman who has been supported by the project. Read more...

Faithful witness for mum and daughter

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Faithful witness for mum and daughter

Had there been no Faithful Witness team in place, a mother and daughter in Thailand might never have met a faithful witness for Christ. Read more...

Transforming the life of a Widow

Thursday, 16 March 2023

Transforming the life of a Widow

In 2004, Sharon’s husband passed away when she was six months pregnant with her second child. Sharon was heartbroken over the death of her husband and while she grieved, she worried about how she would provide for her children. After encountering SIMaid's Operation Neighbour Care, Sharon's life changed for the better. Read more... 

Opening Doors to Work Together in Mission

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Opening Doors to Work Together in Mission

Marlies serves as SIM Australia’s Disability Engagement Coordinator. In her role, Marlies provides support to mission workers or their children with disabilities. Read more... 

SIM mobilising relief aid for Turkey quake

Thursday, 9 February 2023

SIM mobilising relief aid for Turkey quake

As the death toll from Monday’s (February 6) earthquakes in Turkey mounts, SIM’s workers in the region are helping mobilise aid to the affected region. Read more...

Working Together to Protect the Vulnerable

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Working Together to Protect the Vulnerable

​Around the world there are over 4,000 SIM workers serving in more than 70 countries who are motivated by the desire to share Jesus' love. In the countries and communities where our mission workers serve, the risk of human trafficking is very real for many people. SIM is committed to responding to the injustice of trafficking and exploitation as a natural expression of our discipleship in action. Read more... 

Celebrating Christmas in a New Culture

Thursday, 15 December 2022

Celebrating Christmas in a New Culture

Two SIM mission workers have shared their reflections on experiencing Christmas in a different culture. Read more...

Bearing Witness to the Greatest Gift: In Chad

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Bearing Witness to the Greatest Gift: In Chad

In Chad there is a least reached community living in a remote and impoverished region populated by half a million people. They work primarily as farmers and there are only four known local believers. Read more...

Bearing Witness to the Greatest Gift: In Thailand 

Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Bearing Witness to the Greatest Gift: In Thailand 

Thailand has a population of 71.5 million people and sadly, 88%* live in an unreached community. Ayutthaya, the former capital of Thailand, has been identified by SIM as one of the least reached places in the country. Read more...

Extending God’s Love in Australia

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Extending God’s Love in Australia

Across worker, Edwin, has seen God faithfully provide opportunities to share the Gospel with people from other religious backgrounds. Read more...

Equipping Communities in the Sahel

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Equipping Communities in the Sahel

Over many decades SIM workers serving with the Sowing Seeds project have transformed communities in the Sahel. Motivated to demonstrate the love of Jesus, the SIMaid project in West Africa seeks to transform lives through agriculture and community health. Read more...

Serving God with your Creativity

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Serving God with your Creativity

Pete serves with his family with SIM in Ivory Coast. Pete is passionate about using art to reach his local community and share about the love of Jesus. Read more.. 

Transforming Lives in Thailand

Thursday, 13 October 2022

Transforming Lives in Thailand

Hope for Life Thailand (HFLT), one of SIMaid’s Hope for Life HIV projects, outworks the compassion of Christ to those affected by or living with HIV. Read more...

Prayerful Dependence While Serving

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Prayerful Dependence While Serving

SIM has over 4000 mission workers in more than 70 countries. As our workers serve to make the Gospel known in least reached communities, they are dependent on God and rely on His enabling through the Holy Spirit. One of our mission workers, Sil, shares how prayer has been foundational to her while serving cross-culturally. Read more...

Transforming Communities through Health Education

Thursday, 15 September 2022

Transforming Communities through Health Education

Sowing Seeds of Change in the Sahel (SSCS), a SIMaid project in West Africa, seeks to facilitate the transformation of physical, social and spiritual life through agriculture and community health. Read how the health training program is transforming families. Read more... 

Trusting God through Prayer

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Trusting God through Prayer

Rae has served with SIM in Niger since 2018. As well as teaching high school maths at Sahel Academy, she was the Year 12 Homeroom teacher and involved with the school worship team and student prayer group. Rae shares how prayer has been foundational to her while serving in Niger. Read more...

Caring for the Vulnerable in Asia

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

Caring for the Vulnerable in Asia

CHETNA, a project in Asia that partners with SIMaid, seeks to support people who are facing stigmatisation because they have a disease. Motivated by the compassion of Christ, the heart of CHETNA is to improve the quality of life for people who have been diagnosed with chronic and life-limiting illnesses. Read more... 

Being a Faithful Witness

Thursday, 21 July 2022

Being a Faithful Witness

Ruth has followed Jesus since she was young, as a missionary kid in West Africa and then as a teenager, university student and school teacher in Tasmania. In 2018, God led her to serve as an English teacher in Thailand and confirmed her heart to see the Thai people know the love of Christ. Read more...

ReachOut Conference - Register Now!

Monday, 30 May 2022

ReachOut Conference - Register Now!

Registration for ReachOut Conference is now open. Find out more... 

Bringing Freedom to Vulnerable Families in Bangladesh

Thursday, 26 May 2022

Bringing Freedom to Vulnerable Families in Bangladesh

In Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, there is a large population of homeless mothers and children. It is difficult for these impoverished mothers to find safe employment. Children’s Uplift Program (CUP) seeks to protect and bring freedom to these women and children on the streets. Sonali is one student at CUP whose life was transformed after she came to the project. Read more...

Showing Compassion to Communities in West Timor

Monday, 16 May 2022

Showing Compassion to Communities in West Timor

SIMaid’s e3 Community Transformation project supports holistic community development in West Timor. Find out about how the project has been enabling women to thrive through a recent initiative. Read more... 

Outreach by Prayerful Dependence

Monday, 16 May 2022

Outreach by Prayerful Dependence

Martin and Lid serve with SIM in West Africa in outreach and prayer ministries. Find out how Martin and Lid faithfully outwork SIM's heart to be prayerfully dependent on God and be a bold witness to those who have never heard the Gospel. Read more...

How do you want to serve God with your life?

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

How do you want to serve God with your life?

In 2008, Warwick and Natalie went to West Africa to serve among a desert tribe who are one of the largest ethnic groups in the region. Now serving on the Home Ministry Team, Warwick and Natalie reflect on the journey they went on to serve in missions. Read more...

Caring for Those Impacted by HIV in Benin

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

Caring for Those Impacted by HIV in Benin

Nestor* arrived at the HFL Benin clinic after testing positive for HIV. Although he appeared to be in a stable condition, his lab results revealed other health problems. Find out how the HFL Benin team were able to help Nestor. Read more...

Preparing to Serve Least Reached Communities

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Preparing to Serve Least Reached Communities

Meet two families who are preparing to serve with SIM Australia! The Meenks family are preparing to serve in Chiang Mai Thailand with Hope for Life Thailand. The Wilkins family are preparing to work amongst least reached desert tribes in West Africa. Find out more about these two families and their journey to serving in mission. Read more...

Enabling families to overcome poverty in Zimbabwe

Thursday, 14 April 2022

Enabling families to overcome poverty in Zimbabwe

Operation Neighbour Care (ONC) in Zimbabwe addresses extreme poverty by encouraging income-generating activities among people impacted by HIV. Read how the lives of one family were transformed after joining the micro-enterprise program. Read more... 

Discipling the Youth in Peru

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Discipling the Youth in Peru

After being delayed due to travel restrictions, praise God that Thomas and Joannah have arrived in Peru! Find out about their first few months on the field and the opportunities they have been given to share the Gospel so far. Read more...

Care reaches Malawi camps of Cyclone Ana survivors

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Care reaches Malawi camps of Cyclone Ana survivors

In late January, Cyclone Ana devastated southern Malawi and left approximately 90 relief camps throughout the region. In partnership with local churches, SIM is working to care for survivors who’ve long been battered by disaster. Read more...

How does SIM partner with the Local Church?

Monday, 21 February 2022

How does SIM partner with the Local Church?

In the early ‘90s, Neil Sim left Western Victoria for short term service in Ethiopia. After returning to Australia and marrying his late wife, Lisa, the pair felt called to serve with SIM as long-term mission workers in Benin. Now, in partnership with local Australian churches, Neil helps others discern how they can serve in God’s global mission. Read more...

Showing God's love to orphans in Zimbabwe

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Showing God

Nashe and Ndafara's mother sadly died due to birth complications after her twin sons were born. Praise God Vulnerable Children Interventions was able to assist the children in the family’s time of need. Read more...

New Traditions

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

New Traditions

Robyn teaches at Bingham Academy in Ethiopia, serving missionary families and children from the wider expatriate community. Here, Robyn reflects on the new Christmas traditions she has adopted since serving in Ethiopia. Read more...

Equipping Believers in Nomadic Desert Tribes

Thursday, 25 November 2021

Equipping Believers in Nomadic Desert Tribes

The FMTC Training Centre concentrates on teaching the Bible and literacy to local believers, to equip them with skills to make disciples and teach believers among their own families and communities in remote West Africa. Read how two brothers have been transformed by the training centre...

Caring for Children At-Risk in West Africa

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Caring for Children At-Risk in West Africa

​In June, a 10-month old boy named Roger was admitted to the Caring for Kids centre. He was suffering from severe malnutrition. The team were able to care for Roger and provide supplies to his mum to help him recover. Read his story... 

Discipleship Through University Outreach

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Discipleship Through University Outreach

Rosa first came to the university ministry in Peru after being invited to a free barbeque on campus that the team ran two years ago. Rosa then joined a Bible study group and became a regular member. She found that the Bible studies often confronted her beliefs and challenged her. Read how her life transformed..

Working Together to Bring Hope for Life

Monday, 11 October 2021

Working Together to Bring Hope for Life

Operation Neighbour Care in Zimbabwe supports holistic care for adults and vulnerable children affected by HIV in rural Gokwe. Tariro is one young man who received life-changing help from the ONC team. Read more...

Protecting Those at Risk in Our Communities

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Protecting Those at Risk in Our Communities

Working alongside For Freedom, Windows of Hope in Zimbabwe has been hard at work identifying survivors of trafficking during COVID-19. The team are providing much needed care to men and women who have experienced the trauma of trafficking. One woman they have been able to support is Blessing*. Read her story...

Clean Water, Living Water

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Clean Water, Living Water

After decades of drinking water with a dangerously high concentration of arsenic in it, Jalal's body finally began to succumb to severe symptoms of arsenic poisoning. The AAAP have since been working with Jalal to ensure he has access to arsenic-free drinking water and avoids further serious health problems. Read his story...

Ministering to the Least Reached in Australia

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Ministering to the Least Reached in Australia

Jane, an international student at a university in Adelaide, was overjoyed to finally complete her Master’s degree. As she prepares to leave to return to Myanmar, Jane reflected on the impact her Christian university club had on her life. Read more...

Sura’s journey with the Children’s Uplift Program

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Sura’s journey with the Children’s Uplift Program

Before attending the Children's Uplift Program, Sura overcame many difficulties in her life. Shortly after entering into an arranged marriage, her husband abandoned Sura and her young child. With no support, she was left to beg on the streets. Praise God Sura received an invitation that changed her life. Read more...

The Invitation for Serving in Mission

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

The Invitation for Serving in Mission

Before serving in his role as Mobilisation Director at SIM Australia, Steve Early was a mission worker in the south west highlands of Ethiopia. Here, he recalls the invitation that led him to the mission field. Read more...

Supporting community transformation in West Timor

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Supporting community transformation in West Timor

In April 2021, various communities in West Timor suffered impact from Cyclone Seroja. Many families in coastal areas lost their homes and livelihoods. Praise God e3 has been able to help one affected community with long-term development. Read more...

Bearing Fruit in West Africa

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Bearing Fruit in West Africa

Several years ago, SSCS’s farm manager Ayouba started to apply the management techniques he was learning on the demonstration farm in his own fields too. As a result, his crops produced more than ever before. One of his neighbours, Ado, noticed the difference and became curious. Read more...

Sharing the Gospel Through Art

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

 Sharing the Gospel Through Art

Pete has faithfully served with his family for nearly ten years in Africa. In this next season, Pete is serving as the SIM Creative Arts Point Person. Here, Pete shares about the unique opportunities art provides when sharing the Gospel. Read more...

Taking the Gospel to the Least Reached 

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Taking the Gospel to the Least Reached 

Kelly is preparing to serve in a least reached community in central Africa that has had little to no opportunity to hear the Gospel. Here, Kelly reflects on her ten-year journey of getting to the mission field. Read more...

Water for Life in Bangladesh

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Water for Life in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, a man named Arif* was suffering from mysterious health problems. Arif had a wound on his foot that caused severe pain. It prevented him from doing much of his farming work, threatening the family’s livelihood. Arif saw several doctors but no one could help. Praise God Arif’s* life was transformed after receiving help from the AAAP. Read more...

Convinced of His Faithfulness

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Convinced of His Faithfulness

Serving on the mission field often adds complexity to the lives of the workers and comes at personal cost. In 2020, SIM Australia mission workers Brenden and Melanie*, who serve in Central Asia, faced a series of storms. Here, they reflect on how God’s faithfulness led through a challenging year. Read more... 

Providing Holistic Care in Benin

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Providing Holistic Care in Benin

In 2008, Worou came to the HFL Benin clinic to take a test to find out if he was HIV positive. After the clinic confirmed his positive test result, they initiated antiretroviral (ARV) therapy and journeyed alongside him, organizing regular appointments to check to see how he was doing and ensure he was taking his ARV medication. Sadly, last year, Worou faced a health complication while he was in isolation for 21 days due to COVID-19 restrictions. Read more...

Reaching the Least Reached During Transition

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Reaching the Least Reached During Transition

Olivia* returned to Australia last year after serving in West Africa for five years. When the impact of COVID-19 hit West Africa, due to border closures and the risk of being trapped without any means of evacuation, Olivia made the difficult decision to leave. While prayerfully seeking God’s leading for future ministry opportunities, praise God Olivia has been given many opportunities to minister cross-culturally in Australia. Read more...

Empowering Women At Danja

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Empowering Women At Danja

When Amina* found out she was pregnant, it was the happiest day of her life. However, when it was time for her to meet her baby, Amina experienced a difficult and prolonged labour. Due to the various complications, Amina suffered incontinence due to obstetric fistula. Her husband left her due to her condition and Amina felt hopeless about her future. When Amina was introduced to the Danja Fistula Center, her life changed forever. Read more...

Showing Christ's Compassion

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Showing Christ

In Malawi, a 75-year-old man named Samuel* was struggling to provide food for his family. Samuel is often deemed not eligible to participate in income-generating activities, which makes it hard for him to buy basic necessities for his family. Praise God the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund was able to assist Samuel and his family. Read more...  

Celebrating Christmas in West Africa

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Celebrating Christmas in West Africa

Rae is a SIM Australia mission worker who serves as a teacher at an international Christian school in West Africa. Here, Rae reflects on what it looks like to celebrate Christmas and observe traditions in a different culture. Read more...

Serving God with your skills

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Serving God with your skills

Corey and Amber serve in Africa at a health centre that specialises in the health needs of some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in the world. Corey uses his skills to serve as the Property Manager and Amber was recently appointed as Project Manager for part of the health centre. Find out how Corey and Amber have continued to serve God faithfully during COVID-19. Read more...

Caring For The Orphaned

Monday, 16 November 2020

Caring For The Orphaned

Lucy, Louise and Lily* were orphaned at birth on the 8th of July, 2019. The triplets’ grandmother brought the babies into the Operation Neighbour Care (ONC) office, in desperate need of assistance to save their young lives. Read more...

Unchanging Mission: Serving In The Waiting

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Unchanging Mission: Serving In The Waiting

Mike and Kerry Fischer had their flight booked in April to leave for long-term service with SIM in Peru. However, they were forced to delay their departure when international borders began to close. Despite the unexpected change of plan, they have seen God provide new ways to serve Him. Read more...

New Beginnings Through Healing and Hope

Thursday, 1 October 2020

New Beginnings Through Healing and Hope

From the tender age of five, Lotus* experienced many traumatic events that made her long for a safe place to belong. After being introduced to CUP by a former, Lotus has been provided a safe place to equip her to break the cycle of poverty. Read more...

Ministering to Peruvians with Disabilities

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Ministering to Peruvians with Disabilities

SIM Australia member Christine Jeyachandran was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s Disease when she was just 37. Coming to terms with her condition has enabled her to confront common misconceptions and, speak about disabilities from a Biblical standpoint. Read more...

Showing Christ’s love during a global pandemic

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Showing Christ’s love during a global pandemic

Amena works as a daily wage labourer to provide for her family as her husband is disabled due to leprosy. Amena’s work suddenly stopped after the government introduced lockdown restrictions due to COVID-19. Read more... 

Leading from the upper room!

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Leading from the upper room!

Mal Watts, SIM Australia’s National Director, reflects on the impacts of COVID-19 and working remotely during this past season. Read more...

Tender-hearted Compassion

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Tender-hearted Compassion

Munira is a widow who lost her husband to HIV and she has been on antiretroviral therapy since 2010. After her country went into lockdown due to COVID-19, she struggled to provide for her three children. After finding out about Munira’s struggle, Shalom was able to provide assistance to her and her family. Read more...

Filipino Christians provide relief goods during pandemic

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Filipino Christians provide relief goods during pandemic

 In a socially distant, home-bound season, Filipino believers are carefully reaching out as the hands of Christ to those who are affected by the coronavirus and need food, protection and wages. Read more... 

How Tiyamike is making a difference during COVID-19

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

How Tiyamike is making a difference during COVID-19

Tiyamike teaches sewing skills to women from low-income families so they can provide for themselves and their families. The nine-month program includes classes on basic tailoring and small business skills. Each class begins with prayer and a Bible study. Find out how Tiyamike is making a difference during COVID-19. Read more...

Venezuelan refugees in Peru receive weekly food aid

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Venezuelan refugees in Peru receive weekly food aid

With a curfew and quarantine of all non-essential workers, the coronavirus has created a desperate situation for many Peruvians, especially for the thousands of Venezuelan refugees, who don’t have access to government help or family support. SIM Peru has launched a relief project to provide food to those who need it the most. Read more…

Life-Sustaining Relationship

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Life-Sustaining Relationship

Mr Bahadur’s life was forever changed the day his wife was diagnosed with cancer. His family was already financially vulnerable before having to pay for medical care. However, the CHETNA team stepped in and made a variety of resources and care available to the family. After losing his income due to COVID-19, Mr Bahadur reached out again to CHETNA for help. Read more... 


Monday, 18 May 2020


Tiyamike teaches sewing skills to women from low-income families so they can provide for themselves and their families. The nine-month program includes classes on basic tailoring and small business skills. Each class begins with prayer and a Bible study. Students receive a sewing machine when they graduate so they can begin their own business. Graduates can also return to Tiyamike to receive sewing work for which they are paid per item. The ministry offers graduates this opportunity for two years while they are working on slowly building up their own tailoring businesses at home. Read more...

Mtengo Youth Discipleship Ministry

Monday, 18 May 2020

Mtengo Youth Discipleship Ministry

People under the age of 18 make up 51% of the Malawian population1. The youth of Malawi are growing up in a difficult economic climate and a culture that is saturated with high maternal deaths, domestic violence and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Read more...

Loving In Deed

Friday, 15 May 2020

Loving In Deed

SIMaid is the aid and development arm of SIM Australia. The purpose of SIMaid is to practically demonstrate the love of God by helping to alleviate human suffering around the world. SIMaid’s Community Transformation projects work to see communities experiencing poverty transformed through holistic community development. One of SIM’s projects in this group is the e3 Community Transformation in West Timor. Read more...

Outworking God’s Love

Friday, 15 May 2020

Outworking God’s Love

In Thailand, there is an estimated 480,000 people living with HIV 1. The youth of Thailand, those aged 15-24 years old, have the highest sexual transmission infection rate. This group is also less likely to access prevention and testing services. Read more...

Renato’s path changes on a map delivery

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Renato’s path changes on a map delivery

Just days before Peru went into lockdown following the coronavirus crisis, the owner of a printing business made a delivery that changed the course of his life. We hope you will be encouraged by how God is working in Peru! Read more... 

Introducing our new SIM Australia logo!

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Introducing our new SIM Australia logo!

We are excited to share with you the meaning behind the new SIM Australia logo. Read more... 

Sent To Proclaim Freedom

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Sent To Proclaim Freedom

In a Zimbabwean village, a white van periodically paroles the community. The worn-out van has discoloured tyres because of all the times it has made its way down dusty roads. Life in a remote village can be hard with the threat of malnutrition and disease, but this van poses another deadly yet unspoken threat. This van snatches vulnerable people off the streets for organ trafficking. While many in the community are aware of what the van is doing, they feel ill-equipped to know how to respond to such an issue. The villagers find the bodies later and pray that the van never comes near one of their own family members...Read more

Making The Gospel Local

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Making The Gospel Local

Traditionally, SIM has solely facilitated mission workers for overseas ministry. However, now many least reached people groups are living amongst us in Australia. To faithfully reach these people groups in our own backyard, SIM Australia has developed a local ministry called Across. Read more...

When You Are Tested to Despair

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

When You Are Tested to Despair

Anne-Sophie serves as a GP-obstetrician and chief medical officer at Galmi Hospital in West Africa. The country she works is one of the poorest in the world, with extreme draught causing malnutrition and disease. Anne-Sophie shares how she continues to remain obedient to God through the despair she is confronted with every day. Read more...

Hope and Healing After Tragedy

Monday, 9 March 2020

Hope and Healing After Tragedy

Bhai’s* family were filled with grief after a devastating incident took place involving his pregnant daughter-in-law. After partnering with CHETNA, Bhai’s grief became a catalyst for life-saving care in his community. Read more... 

Connecting Through Their Music

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Connecting Through Their Music

SIM Australia mission worker, Maria, is using her background as an ethno-musicologist to equip local believers to evangelise through artistic mediums. One church she is journeying with has expressed how they feel they can finally “be fully Bla’an and yet follow Jesus with all of their lives.” Read more...

A Path Where There Was None

Thursday, 13 February 2020

A Path Where There Was None

When Minu* first walked through the doors of the Children’s Uplift Program in Bangladesh, she was living on the streets and struggling to support herself and her son. With no one to help her, Minu spent her days begging near shopping centres and religious meeting places. After being enrolled in CUP, Minu’s life took a dramatic change. Read more...

The Peruvian Nativity Scene

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

The Peruvian Nativity Scene

Mike and Kerry Fischer will be moving to Peru next year as SIM missionaries to train church pastors and leaders in the southern Andes. Here, Mike reflects on a Peruvian nativity scene they purchased and how one Christmas tradition is impacted by culture. Read more...

Prayerful Dependence in Mission

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Prayerful Dependence in Mission

Three SIM Australia workers in different stages of their ministry journey, share how they have seen God’s faithfulness outwork through prayer. Read about how they sought to obey God’s voice as they said ‘yes’ to His global mission task. Read more...

Transforming Lives In Challenging Places

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Transforming Lives In Challenging Places

Mary* became paralysed after she caught a fever two years ago. After an encounter with a SSCS team member, Mary was able to have her life dramatically changed. Read more...

Book Review of “Disability in Mission - the Church's Hidden Treasure”

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Christine Jeyachandran is often asked if she should be serving on the mission field after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease at the premature age of 37. Christine draws upon her personal experience to reflect on a new book Disability in Mission – The Church's Hidden Treasure. Read more...

Cultivating Compassionate Care

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Cultivating Compassionate Care

After Chiku* found out he had mouth cancer, his family’s lives changed forever. A landless labourer living with his family in a straw hut, he was the main income earner. The family knew they would not be able to afford treatment. In Chiku’s community, people with cancer are neglected by their families due to the fear that it can be transmitted. However, the CHETNA team were able to bring care and truth to Chiku and his family. Read more...

Connecting Through Art

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Connecting Through Art

In South Asia, Buddhist art is very important to the religion. Buddhist art containing teachings, meditations and beliefs that are carried through generations. A SIM missionary in South Asia is passionate about using art as a Christian evangelistic tool. Woking alongside a group of locals, she is equipping them to communicate the most important message of all, the Gospel. Read more... 

Caring for the Orphaned

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Caring for the Orphaned

Hilda, who celebrated her first birthday last month, lives a life that is very different to Australian infants. Although she was left in a vulnerable situation, the support SIM Zimbabwe gave her has transformed her life. Read more...

Sharing God’s love to impoverished communities

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Sharing God’s love to impoverished communities

Located in a South Asian city with a population of 16 million, the Urban Renewal Project (URP) aims to improve the lives of a large slum community. One service URP provides is one-room primary schools. These primary schools are free, allowing many children who are unable to afford education to attend. Niem is just one student whose life has transformed since attending URP. Read more...

Tangibly showcasing God’s love

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Tangibly showcasing God’s love

While Galmi Hospital staff are confronted with overwhelming need every day, God is using the hospital for His greater good. One doctor from Galmi Hospital, Dr Megill, shares how one patient named Clement* impacted him. Read more...

Outworking Christ's Compassion in Benin

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Outworking Christ

In Benin, people with HIV often face stigmatisation and rejection by their family. In order to help those with HIV improve their quality of life and reintegrate into society, Hope For Life Benin provides practical support. Moudji*, who was infected with HIV through mother-to-child transmission, has been impacted by this support. Read more...

Partnering with the Peruvian Church

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Partnering with the Peruvian Church

SIM missionary workers, Morgan and Anna Powell, are dedicated to partnering with local Peruvian churches to see pastors equipped with a sound theological understanding of God’s Word, believers discipled and churches planted so that more people come to know Jesus personally. SIM Peru’s ministries have seen many pastors mature in their faith, including a group of four young men from Arequipa. Read more...

Restore Hope to the Vulnerable

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Restore Hope to the Vulnerable

At the age of 20, Kole was pregnant, abandoned by her baby’s father and left without any financial support. She was also emotionally scarred from the trauma she had been through. However, Koli's life has transformed since she became a member of the Children's Uplift Program. Read more... 

Empowering the Malawian church to show Christ’s love

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Empowering the Malawian church to show Christ’s love

Hope for Life Malawi is providing holistic care to those living with or impacted by HIV and AIDS. Aussie missionary and HFL Malawi program co-ordinator, Jacky Hammond, said, “With the declining funding worldwide for HIV projects, we felt we should have a stronger focus on making the ministry self-sustaining.” In order to hand the ministries over to the local church and make sure they could be financially resourced, the team have implemented a Goat Pass on Scheme. Rute* is one Malawian orphan who will receive a goat from the initiative. Read more...

Shining God’s light through Education

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Shining God’s light through Education

For over 30 years, this school in South Asia has strived to demonstrate Christ’s love and grace through a K-12 international school. With less than 1% of the population of this country in South Asia identifying as Christians, the international school team are also ministering to other schools through a training program. Steph, who graduated from the school in 2009, shares the significant role it played in her family’s lives. Read more...

Showing Compassion to Women Affected by Arsenic Poisoning

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Showing Compassion to Women Affected by Arsenic Poisoning

Although it is estimated that 43,000 Bangladeshis are dying each year from arsenic-related diseases, many sufferers are keeping their diagnosis a secret. Bangladeshis with arsenicosis can be subject to stigma and be ostracised by their families. However, one member of AAAP shares how she is making a difference in the lives of victims. Read more...

Partnering with Prayer

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Partnering with Prayer

Sophie* is a missionary who runs a baking class so she can create relationships with women from the majority religion. However, in one of her first classes, Sophie encountered an issue that almost stopped her ministry. After responding to the situation with prayer, Sophie saw God move in a miraculous way. Read more... 

Delivering Hope to the Dying

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Delivering Hope to the Dying

Like many others in their village, Ruksana’s family had to battle the shame that is attached to death as a result of a disease. Sadly, instead of receiving the proper treatment for a sickness, many sufferers isolate themselves in fear of the stigma that will be placed on their families because of the illness. However, thanks to the assistance of SIM’s CHETNA project, the power of hope and education is creating a new ‘normal’ for families just like Ruksana’s. Read more... 

Restoring Dignity to Women on the Streets

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Restoring Dignity to Women on the Streets

Children’s Uplift Program (CUP) is a hub of hope for women on the streets of Dhaka the capital of Bangladesh. CUP takes a holistic approach to working with children in high risk situations and recognises that to help them, they must also walk alongside their mothers. By providing support and vocational training to mothers, women are empowered to find alternative employment and create a more stable home environment for their children...

A West African Christmas

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

A West African Christmas

Our missionaries, D. and T., share about celebrating Christmas at Galmi in Niger, West Africa. 

Growth in South Australia

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Growth in South Australia

As Omar Djoeandy finishes his chapter as National  Director after fifteen years, we give thanks to the Lord for how He has blessed SIM's ministry in South Australia. In 2004, SIM had only 3 Members from South Australia. Today in 2018, God has grown that number to 14! 

Influencing the Next Generation

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Influencing the Next Generation

Hear from a young SIM Australia worker involved in student ministry in South Asia! Find out how God has used her to impact the next generation of Christians in the country where she is serving... and pushed her out of her comfort zone in the process!


Tuesday, 9 October 2018


Shalom (Hope for Life Asia) was established in 2001. Shalom has a vision of bringing transformation and hope to the lives of people in Asia that are infected or affected by the unfolding tragedy of HIV/AIDS.

Living Boldly for Jesus

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Living Boldly for Jesus

Two SIM Australia workers share about serving in West Africa and reflect on Omar's support during his National Directorship. 

Ministering amongst the Mursi

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Ministering amongst the Mursi

As SIM celebrates 125 years of making disciples where He is least known, we celebrate that God has brought nations into the light of His son! Paul Lukins shares below about SIM’s work amongst the Mursi – a nomadic and unreached people group in southern Ethiopia. Paul and his wife Carol, alongside their four children, spent 14 years serving with SIM in Ethiopia. Paul was responsible for a food security project and church planting in the local Mursi language. He remains passionate about seeing Mursi understand the Gospel in their heart language and understand God’s grace to them in Jesus!

Transformational Community Development

Monday, 10 September 2018

Transformational Community Development

SIM Australia's Projects Coordinator, Ross Britton, outlines SIM Australia's approach to transformational community development and some important principles for development work. 

Focus on the Fulani

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Focus on the Fulani

The timeline below is a glimpse of God’s work through SIM Australia's workers amongst the Fulani in West Africa. As SIM celebrates 125 years of mission, join us in praising God for the fruit that has come from this ministry over many years of faithful sowing!

Passing on God's Love to Malawian Orphans!

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Passing on God

Find out how SIM is passing on God's love to Malawian orphans through the Goat Pass-On Scheme!

Here I am, Send me!

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Here I am, Send me!

Will* is in his early twenties and preparing to serve with SIM in the Middle East. Since responding to God's call as a teenager, his posture has been that of Isaiah 6:8 - "Here I am, send me!"

Compelled by Christ's Love

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Compelled by Christ

Meet Naomi! Naomi serves with SIM Australia and has spent the past 28 years in West Africa serving one of the world's poorest countries. She serves as the Project Director of the health side of the Sowing Seeds of Change in the Sahel project. 

Unlocking Futures

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Unlocking Futures

Young girls shouldn't know what the inside of a brothel room looks like...
Yet when Ruhi* was ten years old, her stepmother introduced her to the dark world of sex work. She took Ruhi to an apartment, invited over a client and then left the building.

Key of the Kingdom

Monday, 25 June 2018

Key of the Kingdom

Enraged at his Christian wife for going to a church conference, a husband locked up the hosue as soon as she left, declaring to the nightbours that his wife would never enter his home again. To make his point, he threw the key into the river as he headed to his girlfriend's house for the week...

Refreshing Partnerships in QLD

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Refreshing Partnerships in QLD

It’s been a busy season in the Sunshine State for Jay Knight, SIM’s Queensland (QLD) Mission Mobiliser!

Eyes on the Goal

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Eyes on the Goal

Coach Mhee lives in Thailand’s Esan region in the northeast, where Buddhism is strong and drug addiction destroys lives. Through his sports ministry, local boys develop their soccer skills and hear the life-changing Gospel of Christ.

Love that breaks down walls

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Love that breaks down walls

It is the love of Christ that compels the RLGL staff team as they invest in the lives of young women like Panna*, survivor of sexual abuse. 

Crossing Spiritual Barriers to Buddhists

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Crossing Spiritual Barriers to Buddhists

Learn more about crossing spiritual barriers to Buddhists in your community!

From Mechanic to Mobiliser

Sunday, 1 April 2018

From Mechanic to Mobiliser

In 1893, SIM’s founders also left their comforts behind to reach the least-reached in Africa. Fast forward to 2002 and after years of preparation, a couple from Victoria with their three young children landed in Benin, West Africa. This was the Sim family – the name a wonderful coincidence!

Crossing Barriers with Coffee

Monday, 26 February 2018

Crossing Barriers with Coffee

A returned short-term missionary from South Sudan shares her reflections about 'doing life' with women in South Sudan. 

Cries of the Heart

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Cries of the Heart

Eliza* is the project manager at Redlight Greenlight. She shares about some of the deep hurt she and the other carers try to support the girls to live with and grow from.

A Tapestry of Grace: Meg Mucklestone

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

A Tapestry of Grace: Meg Mucklestone

Meg Mucklestone is a long term supporter of SIM and shares about her journey with missions. 

A Christmas Story

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

A Christmas Story

The Christmas story includes Mary - a young teenage girl who carried the burden of pregnancy and shame. This Christmas, read about a young Thai woman called KaJii who is journeying with Project Radical Grace. Like Mary, she also has experienced the shame of a surprise pregnancy. But KaJii is not alone - she has her family, the Radical Grace team and has glimpsed the love and grace of Christ! 

My Story is Different

Monday, 11 December 2017

My Story is Different

The Daily Bread School and Vocational Centre operates in the heart of a South Asian slum city. Thanks to your generous partnership, Zayan* was able to receive a scholarship to study at the school which provides quality education to children living in poverty.

Demonstrating the Father's Love to the Fatherless

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Demonstrating the Father

Ariko grew up as an orphan under his grandmother’s care. He lost his mother at childbirth and he transmitted the HIV virus. Although his grandmother loves him, she struggled to pay his school fees and provide for his basic needs. SIM’s Operation Neighbour Care (ONC) project has journeyed with Ariko and his grandmother for many years. They have helped support the family through a school scholarship, medical help, pastoral visits and providing Ariko with a goat for income generation.

Harvest for Christ

Monday, 27 November 2017

Harvest for Christ

Three bags of maize. That’s what single mother and subsistent farmer Miséria (meaning misery) used to produce each year before completing SIM’s Foundations for Farming course. After completing the course, Miséria was delighted last harvest when she yielded 29 bags of maize! Miseria is a new believer from the Yao people in Mozambique and has changed her name to Alegria, meaning joy! 

Training Namibian Christians in Bible Scholarship

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Training Namibian Christians in Bible Scholarship

Meet Penny Carpentier, heading off to Namibia soon to lecture at Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary (NETS). In this article, she discusses what happens when their are very few indigenous Christian academics teaching church leaders. She shares her vision of seeing more Namibians trained in Bible scholarship. 

"It Touched my Heart"

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

"It Touched my Heart"

PbeeMai was fixated on becoming becoming the best at football. That was, before he encountered Jesus through the witness of a missionary in Thailand. Now PbeeMai uses his love for football to build relationships and share the Gospel with Thai kids. 

Fon's Story: Finding an Identity in Life

Wednesday, 11 October 2017


Fon’s story isn’t just about the experience of a poor orphaned girl who suffered abuse and was sick with HIV from her first husband, who was polygamous, though that certainly is part of it. Fon’s story intersects with a larger issue in Thailand: access to healthcare, particularly for migrants, and especially for undocumented ones.

Why Aussie Church ESL Ministries are Strategic

Monday, 25 September 2017

Why Aussie Church ESL Ministries are Strategic

Find out how SIM Australia can partner with your church to help broaden your church's influence and vision for cross-cultural mission!

When Women Come Together

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

When Women Come Together

Life is hard for Asian widows. Read the story of four women who joined a women's self help and savings group run by Chetna, a partner ministry of SIM. The women can now provide for themselves, their families and have learnt the power of community and what they're capable of when women come together. 

Economic & Spiritual Hope for North Africa

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Economic & Spiritual Hope for North Africa

July 18 was the date her husband left Miriam and her two children. July 18 was also the date she got her first job. Read about how transformational business is impacting the lives of people like Miriam in North Africa!

Caiphas Ngarvihume in Australia!

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Caiphas Ngarvihume in Australia!

SIM Australia is excited to have SIM Zimbabwe Director, Caiphas, and his wife Sekai visit Australia this August!

Reaching out during Ramadan

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Reaching out during Ramadan

Jane* is part of a church-planting team with SIM in Central Asia hoping to start a church amongst a minority people group. She and her team mates look for ways to introduce Jesus that are culturally resonant. 

Mariama Receives Life-Giving Treatment

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Mariama Receives Life-Giving Treatment

Mariama is twenty years old and was diasnosed with a rare cancer of the uterus. Through the Galmi Benevolent Fund, she has been able to receive chemotherapy treatment. Join us in praying for healing and for her to meet the Great Physician. 

Seeing Aysha Flourish

Monday, 22 May 2017

Seeing Aysha Flourish

When Aysha* arrived at the Redlight-Greenlight (RLGL) aftercare home, she was deeply traumatised from a situation of sexual abuse. Her body resembled that of a wilted flower - bent and lifeless. The staff discovered that she was unable to do even simple tasks like finish a meal, draw a straight line or brush her teeth. In addition to this, they worried that she might have some extra difficulties in addition to trauma...

I am with You

Monday, 15 May 2017

I am with You

“Seeing girls take little steps of progress every week and seeing how God is working in their lives is the greatest joy of being Director of the Redlight-Greenlight aftercare home. The healing process is long but I have learnt to celebrate small victories such as ‘this girl smiled for the first time”, or “she spoke up for the first time…” (Leila*, Director of SIM’s Redlight-Greenlight Aftercare Home in South Asia))

Unreached in Arequipa

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Unreached in Arequipa

David and Christine Jeyachandran serve with SIM Australia in Arequipa, Peru. Although many of the people they minister amongst are "religious", many  have never read the Bible and fewer understand the amazing grace of Jesus! Find out how David is using an opportunity as a lecturer to share the Gospel in a university campus where Christ is least known!

South Sudan's Humanitarian Crisis

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

South Sudan

SIM has a longstanding commitment to South Sudan and the East African region. Recent fighting over Christmas 2016 resulted in the need for SIM Doro’s team to evacuate. The team incurred hundreds of dollars of losses in assets when their homes and facilities were looted. A small team has returned to provide practical relief through food, medicine and other essential needs.

Daya the Entrepreneur

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Daya the Entrepreneur

Thirty one-year-old Daya* found herself completely stranded when her husband passed away. She felt hopeless, alone and unsure how she could provide for her two sons. She sunk into a deep depression. However, Daya’s life was completely turned around when Operation Neighbour Care (ONC) visited her village...

30 years of serving in mission: Jenny Fallon

Thursday, 30 March 2017

30 years of serving in mission: Jenny Fallon

Jenny Fallon is a friendly and well-known face in SIM circles. She currently serves as NSW/ACT Member Care Coordinator –a natural fit for someone with Jenny’s warmth and empathy. Jenny is able to support and care for our missionaries with the understanding of what it’s like to serve on the field. Jenny has many difference experiences of mission work and this year is celebrating thirty years since first arriving as a nurse in West Africa!

Treating Bangladesh's Arsenic Epidemic

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Treating Bangladesh

It is estimated that 77 million people in Bangladesh have been exposed to dangerously high levels of arsenic... discover how SIMaid is responding to human need and treating Bangladesh's Aresenic Epidemic.

Why MK education is strategic

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Why MK education is strategic

MK education is crucial and strategic ministry which serves missionary families and allows them to stay on the field for longer.

Crossing Barriers, Empowering Women

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Crossing Barriers, Empowering Women

A spotlight on education and female empowerment in South Asia.

Learn more about SIM's Daily Bread School & Vocational Centre project which is providing education and vocational training to girls and women in the South Asian country where they operate. 

'Lift Up Your Eyes' interview with Joshua Bogunjoko

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Neil Johnstone from Vision Radio's 20Twenty program interviews Dr Joshua Bogunjoko.

A Praying Life: Grace Dixon

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

A Praying Life: Grace Dixon

Ninety five-year-old Grace Dixon has a reputation amongst many at SIM for being a faithful pray-er. She even catches the train part of the way to a prayer meeting to the other side of Sydney from where she lives! Grace shared her story as a missionary going to Asia after World War Two, and her service in South Asia. She also offers some advice to younger Christians and for those who struggle to be disciplined in their prayer life...

The Man Behind the Cover

Thursday, 12 January 2017

The Man Behind the Cover

The Man Behind the Cover of the 2016 SIM Effect Magazine

Update: South Sudan Evacuation

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Update: South Sudan Evacuation

A Press Release from SIM International Director, Dr Joshua Bogunjoko about the evacuation of the SIM South Sudan team.

Dr Joshua Bogunjoko Visits Sydney

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Dr Joshua Bogunjoko Visits Sydney

SIM International Director, Dr Joshua Bogunjoko, visits Sydney.

How can I pray for MKs this Christmas?

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

How can I pray for MKs this Christmas?

Christmas time is often bitter-sweet for MKs. Hear from some of our MKs about what Christmas is like where they live. Find out how you can be praying for MKs this Christmas!

70-something-year-old Reaching Gen X

Monday, 12 December 2016

70-something-year-old Reaching Gen X

SIM Australia greatly valueour older missionaries who bring a wealth of experience and wisdom to the field. Read about the work of Ross Jones and how the Lord has used him for 28 years in Bible translation and continues to use him to reach students in their twenties. 

Hope-Shaped Futures: Edson's Story

Monday, 12 December 2016

Hope-Shaped Futures: Edson

Edson was one of the first HIV and AIDS orphans to be supported by SIM's Operation Neighbour Care when the project started in 2010. Today, Edson still has battles but thanks to his HOPE-shaped future, they are winnable battles.

The Lover Never Fails

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

The Lover Never Fails

Brad Kirkwood serves in Niger with his wife Andy and two kids.

Brad writes honestly about the challenges of poverty, sickness and suffering in Niger. Yet despite these confronting, every day challenges for people in Niger, he can say: the Lover never fails.

Hope-shaped Futures: Paula's story

Monday, 21 November 2016

Hope-shaped Futures: Paula

Paula is a HIV and AIDS orphan from Zimbabwe who was given a school scholarship from Operation Neighbour Care. She hopes that one day she can be a school teacher!

Filling empty spaces

Monday, 10 October 2016

Filling empty spaces

Asian women are particularly vulnerable to the stigma and disenfranchisement that often comes with HIV. Read about how SIMaid's Shalom project is offering support to women such as Jyoti.

Sharing Buqis' Burden

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Sharing Buqis

Josh*, Renee* and their three children are from NSW, Australia. They live in a city in Central Asia where they work amongst an unreached minority people group.

HOPE for AIDS Malawi

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

HOPE for AIDS Malawi

An update on SIM's Home-based care program in Malawi

Let the Peoples Praise You

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Let the Peoples Praise You

Anne-Sophie is a SIM Australia missionary serving God in Niger, West Africa. Anne-Sophie’s job by day (and often night) is obstetrics at Galmi Hospital. Galmi offers compassionate medical care as a bridge to sharing the love of Christ and proclaiming the Good News.

Radical Grace: Anong's Story

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Radical Grace: Anong

The emotional story of Anong, a Thai woman who contracted HIV. In her darkest hour, the Radical Grace team were able to walk alongside her family. Be encouraged by how SIM Thailand are strengthening families, loving all and bringing grace to Thai people living with HIV/AIDS.

A heartbeat for the Loosh

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

A heartbeat for the Loosh

The story of a single woman whose heart for the lost lead her to South Asia to share God's love with Muslim women from a local people group.

Praying for the people of France after Nice attack

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Praying for the people of France after Nice attack

In response to the attack in Nice, France on 14 July, The National Council of Evangelicals of France (CNEF) had a national day of prayer in France and worldwide on Sunday, 17 July. Please pray for the families who are mourning, the many wounded, all those serving in law enforcement, and the authorities in France. The Council is calling on the many Christian communities in Nice and on the French Riviera to demonstrate in tangible ways the solidarity offered by evangelical Protestants. Please pray with us...

Light in dark places

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Light in dark places

“In this photo I see places that are dark, and other places that are shining. I want God to spread light in all the dark places of my heart, so that there will only be light.”

Here am I, send me?

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Here am I, send me?

David Jeyachandran shares about how God used his experience as computer technician in Sydney to serve Him in Peru. David and his wife, Christine, moved to Arequipa, Peru with their young family to build up the student movement group and reach Peruvian young people through teaching English.

"I never came back"

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

"I never came back"

Listen to Bob Cole, SIM Australia's Deputy Director, as he speaks with Neil Johnson from Vision Radio about sex trafficking and abuse in South Asia.

From Ecuador to Sydney

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

From Ecuador to Sydney

Congratulations to Diego Herrera, recipient of Sydney Missionary & Bible College's first scholarship through their 100 for 100 campaign.

Fill us up and send us out!

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Fill us up and send us out!

Meet Lucie - twenty-something-year-old from Sydney and serving God short-term in La Paz, Bolivia with her Speech and Hearing Sciences Bachelor degree.

I know I have a new future!

Monday, 6 June 2016

I know I have a new future!

Twelve-year-old *Nisha arrived at the Redlight-Greenlight aftercare home so traumatised by sexual abuse she couldn't speak. Months later, Nisha gave a clear and confident statement in front of her rapist in court. Read about Nisha's incredible transformation through SIM's Redlight-Greenlight aftercare home in South Asia.

A Pastor with a Mission

Monday, 23 May 2016

A Pastor with a Mission

“I wanted to give young people the opportunity that my generation never had as a kid – to have a coach who cares for them and teaches them,” Pastor Pradit says. “I have seen the impact sports ministry has had over the last seven years – some of my kids are now studying Bible, one is a pastor already, and many lives have been transformed."

"Your Daughter, Shilpa"

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

"Your Daughter, Shilpa"

When Shilpa, survivor of terrible sexual abuse, first arrived at the Redlight-Greenligth aftercare home, she struggled to join in. Read how a teenage girl, lacking in confidence and with a full of anger, found herself on a path to healing.

Sports Friends May CAMPaign

Monday, 9 May 2016

Sports Friends May CAMPaign

May CAMPaign

As our camping ministry expands, we feel God has asked us to trust Him with an ambitious new vision for 2016. During the month of May, we’re praying that God would enable us to raise the funds to cover 3,100 camper scholarships at $65 each – the equivalent of 100 scholarships each day!

Sponsorship Update: 572 campers have been sponsored as at 9 May! 2528 campers are waiting for sponsorships. We can't do this alone. Will you please prayerfully consider partnering with us financially to reach this exciting new goal? Read more or Give.

10 days of prayer - rest & renewal

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

10 days of prayer - rest & renewal

Join SIM International for ten days of prayer for rest and renewal based on 2 Corinthians 4!

SIM's response to the Ecuador earthquake

Thursday, 28 April 2016


SIM Ecuador is leading a response team to provide housing and other aid for those affected by the devastating April 16 earthquake. Read more...


Wednesday, 20 April 2016


Do you have experience in teaching or education? Are you passionate about passing on the Gospel to the next generation? Do you have a heart for God’s global mission? Find out about opportunities for teachers to serve with SIM!

Surgery in Switzerland gives Darla a second chance

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Surgery in Switzerland gives Darla a second chance

When Darla's neighbour told her Mum about the Help for the Handicapped centre in a nearby town in West Africa, she was overjoyed. Despite being deaf and mute, Darla has been able to attend school and receive the support she needs. When she was diagnosed with a weak heart, the centre did more than Darla and her family could dream of - they arranged her to have surgery in Switzerland! Read more >>

In search of Jesus in a South Sudan Refugee Camp

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

In search of Jesus in a South Sudan Refugee Camp

"They came with a letter, asking for me by name," said Getachew. "When I told them I was the one they were looking for, they said: 'We want to discuss with you about Jesus... Nobody has ever told us the truth about Jesus the Messiah until now.'"

Thankfulness for everyday 'luxuries'

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Thankfulness for everyday

When was the last time you were thankful for the disease-free, clean water trickling out of the tap when you brushed your teeth?

Truly Resilient - West African Women

Monday, 29 February 2016

Truly Resilient - West African Women

"West African women are truly resilient! Most are doing their best in an environment where so much is against their success, not giving in to despair, and succeeding against tremendous odds."
A SIM missionary shares about the challenges facing women and female Christian leaders in West Africa.

Naoreen’s Story

Friday, 19 February 2016

Naoreen’s Story

In the midst of the frenzy of a million individual pursuits, rickshaw drivers tersely negotiating fares and tired mothers washing clothes on the balconies of haphazard tenements, no one noticed the girl with the swollen stomach sitting on the side of the road...

Water Fit For Life

Friday, 19 February 2016

Water Fit For Life

The United Nations’ World Water Day is held on the 22nd of March and draws attention to the need for WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) in developing countries.

Gift of Water

Friday, 19 February 2016

Gift of Water

Two communities in Saja, Western Ethiopia now have access to clean drinking water thanks to efforts of SIM’s Ethiopia Water program in collaboration with a local church. 

A clean change

Thursday, 8 October 2015

A clean change

It’s taken 2 years to change a mind-set on ‘which soap to buy’.

But at last, with a lot of perseverance, the soap-making ladies on SIM’s Hope for AIDS Home Based Care project in Naotcha, Malawi have done it!

Priya finds her voice

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Priya finds her voice

When people are abused or oppressed, they lose their voice. Poverty, Ignorance and Disease make society’s most vulnerable – children, women, people with disability – feel powerless.
SIM started our aid and development arm, SIMaid, to follow the call of Christ to empower the poor and vulnerable in society through education and opportunities...Read more...

Ekta's Story: Free from sex slavery and has hope for her future

Wednesday, 5 November 2014


Ekta* was rescued from sex trafficking in Asia and stayed at SIM’s ^Redlight-Greenlight aftercare home in Asia for several months. “When I came to the Redlight Greenlight aftercare home, I was not good… I was really a loser and I was scared of everyone,” Ekta said. Read more...

Resha's Story: Cursed for Speaking the Truth

Wednesday, 1 October 2014


After years of enduring sexual abuse from her father, Resha^ summoned the courage to speak out. She ran to the nearest police station and told them the abuse she’d been enduring. Social services assigned her to SIM’s Girls off the Streets project, the Redlight-Greenlight aftercare home in Asia. Resha’s father was arrested. Read more...

A brighter future for women in Bangladesh

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

A brighter future for women in Bangladesh

She was in love. He was a good looking man with a stable job. He promised her that he would marry her and look after her for the rest of her life.